League of Legends

League of Legends Ruleset

updated 2/14/23
  1. Match Lengths

    • Matches are best of one (1).
  2. Game Lobby
    • The home team should create the game lobby. Lobbies should be created with the following settings:
      • Map –  Summoner’s Rift
      • Name – “Louisville – (Team A) vs (Team B) GINW”
      • Team Size –  5
      • Password – To be chosen by the hosting team captain
      • Game Type: Tournament Draft
      • Allow Spectators
    • The order in which players join the lobby and enter the draft is not regulated by the NSeSA. Any matches played with an incorrect map or game type will not count toward the match and must be replayed.
    • It is however noted that players should enter the lobby from top to bottom as to which lane you will be the maining so that matchups may be assumed.
    • If any players are under level 10, you will need to play Blind Pick instead of Tournament Draft when you set up your custom game. Accounts that are under level 10 are not allowed to play Tournament Draft.
  1. Drafts
  1. Selection
    • The visiting team or team will have a choice of side (Blue/Team 1 or Red/Team 2).  
  1. Entering Lobby
    • Players should enter the lobby in this order: Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC, Support. 
  1. Process
    • The draft will proceed as follows:
    • Team 1=A Team 2=B
    • 1st Bans: ABABAB
    • 1st Picks: ABBAAB
    • 2nd Bans: BABA
    • 2nd Picks: BAAB
  1. Outside apps or other programs
    • While we encourage and strongly promote the use of any tools for help in practice or recreational scrim; outside apps not found within the game itself are not to be used in matches. Any use of a program, script, or other item not found within the game client is strictly prohibited during match play. Players, teams, or coaches found in violation of this rule, may face disqualification or termination of the season.
    • Any paper notes or penciled ideas are welcome
  1. Restrictions
    • Any champions, items, champion/ward skins, runes, Summoner spells, or emotes are prohibited from use in official matches if they are disabled in any ranked Summoner’s Rift queues while they are disabled in those queues. New champions may not be played in a match until two weeks after it’s release day.
  1. Stoppage of Play
    • The game may only be paused for the following reasons:
      • Player drop
      • Player disconnect
      • Server crash
      • Technical issues beyond players control (Power Outage, etc.)
    • Pauses may not be called during player versus player combat. A team must give a reason to their opponent immediately before or after the match is paused. Each team will have 5 total minutes of pause time as a general rule, however consent from both teams must be given before the match is unpaused.
    • A game may only be restarted within the first 5 minutes of the game and before first blood for one of the stoppages of play reasons stated above. If a game is restarted, players must take the exact same champions, skins, runes, and Summoner spells. A game may only be restarted once per team per match.
  1. Player Count
    • Both teams participating in a match must provide 5 players. During a game, if a team should lose 2 players that have disconnected with the intention of no longer playing in the match at the same time, that team will forfeit the remainder of the game to the opposing team. If a team is not able to field the required number of players, then they will forfeit the remainder of the match.
  1. Issues or discrepancy with play
    • Should there be an issue or problem during the course of the match that is not covered under the above rules, coaches may allow for stoppage of play until the issue can be resolved or agreed upon with resumption of play thereafter.
    • If no agreement can be reached, stop play, contact a board member and it will be counted as a loss for both teams