
Overwatch Ruleset

updated 9/6/21
  1. Match Lengths
    • Matches are best of one (1).
  1. Game Lobby
    • The home team should create the game lobby. Lobbies should be created with the following settings:
    • The order in which players join the lobby and enter the draft is not regulated by the NSeSA. Any matches played with an incorrect map or game type will not count toward the match and must be replayed.
    • It is however noted that players should enter the lobby from top to bottom as to which lane you will be the maining so that matchups may be assumed.
  1. Match Structure
    • Each non-championship match in the Tournament will consist of up to three (3) games on three maps, with the first Team to two (2) map wins winning the match. If neither Team wins two (2) maps, the Team with the most wins will win the match. If, after three (3) games are played and neither Team has accumulated more game wins, a fourth tiebreaker control map will be played designated by tournament administrators.
  1. Ties
    • In the case of a tie, a tournament admin will designate a tiebreaker map.
  1. Tournament Period
    • The regular season will take place from September 13 to October 30. 
    • Playoffs will take place from November 1 to November 13.
    • The state tournament will take place on November 19-20.
  1. Tournament Map Pool
  1. Competitive Patch and Server
    • Tournament Matches will be played on the Americas live server. The current live patch will be used for all competitive play.
  1. Hero Usage
    • In the event that a new hero into the game during the tournament season, there will be a two (2) week waiting period before that hero can be used in a match.
  1. Match Settings
    • All games should be played with the “Competitive” pre-set selected. All maps except for the map to be played should be set to “off”. All heroes communicated to be banned should also be set to “off”. 
  1. Custom Lobby Creation
    • The team with the higher seed in the current week of Tournament play will create the custom lobby and invite the opposing team.
  1. Custom Lobby Settings
    • To navigate to the Custom Lobby, open Overwatch and click the “Play” button at the top left. Click the “Game Browser” menu option located on the right-hand side of the screen.
    • Click the “CREATE” button on the top right-hand corner of the screen. Click the “SETTINGS” icon located on the right-hand side of the screen.
    • Click the “PRESETS” icon and select “COMPETITIVE”, located on the right-hand side of the screen under “STANDARD”. Make sure it registers before clicking the “BACK” button to proceed.
    • After returning to the lobby, click “SETTINGS” again and select “MAPS”. Select “NONE” on the top right of the screen. Navigate to your assigned Map and enable it. Click “BACK” to return to the lobby.
    • You may begin your match after you have invited the opposing Team members.
  1. Pause Time
    • A Team may request a pause only in the presence of a technical issue. If you are the Team who controls the lobby, you must still request the pause and receive confirmation from the opposing team before initiating the pause. Teams must wait until the conclusion of any ongoing Team fight before pausing.
    • Players are responsible for the integrity of their own internet connection. However, if a Player disconnects, his or her Team can either decide to request a pause and have the player reconnect or wait until that ’round‘ is finished to rejoin the match. The default pause configuration is Ctrl+Shift+’=’.
    • Each Team may request a maximum of three (3) pauses per match, with each pause having a maximum duration of five (5) minutes. The Team that does not request the pause must confirm the end time of the pause via the in-game ‘match chat’ once a pause is initiated.
    • If a Team does not unpause before their allotted time is depleted, they immediately use their next pause and add five (5) minutes to the current pause timer. If a Team has no pauses left and their pause timer runs out, the Team that requested the pause will be forced to forfeit the current map.
  1. Playing “Man-Down”
    • Maps may continue with a Team playing “Man-Down” (where a player fails to reconnect or solve technical issues and cannot participate in the remainder of the map). Maps may begin with a Team playing “Man-Down.” This setting can be found in “Team” where you can adjust team size accordingly. If a Team is unable to field the required number of players by the final match start time, that Team will be required to forfeit.
  1. Spectators
    • A total of twelve (12) spectator slots are available in each Game Lobby. Each team is permitted a maximum of six (6) spectators. Teams may give up their reserved spectator slots at their own discretion. 
    • Spectators may only spectate their own team. The custom lobby owner can enable this by right-clicking a spectator’s name, then selecting which team they can spectate.
  1. Streaming
    • Players will be allowed to stream their matches during the Tournament from their player perspective. 
    • COACHES ONLY may stream from the top-down perspective if they have the permission of the other coach.
  1. Team Composition
    • NSeSA will be enforcing the 2-2-2 meta for Overwatch.  2 tanks, 2 damage, and 2 supports.  All other team comps are prohibited.